
Welcome to Keep a Child Alive's official news feed from the front lines. Here you will find moving testimonials from our clinics, as well as empowering stories of triumph from people like you, working to raise money and awareness to combat the AIDS pandemic ravaging Africa.

Monday, December 1, 2008

World AIDS Day 2008

Today is World AIDS Day. A day to remember, reflect and respond.

Remember our work is not done. There are still many, many people in the impoverished world without access to these life-saving drugs.

Reflect on those that have died because of lack of medicine but also on our accomplishments everyone of you at Keep a Child Alive have helped to achieve.

Respond to the desperate need of all of those unfortunate. To those of you that have responded to our call, we thank you from our hearts.

This year's journey to our sites in Africa brought us such joy and sorrow. There is still so much to do in one of the most beautiful continents in the world. I have written a diary of my journey -
come and read about all of our accomplishments on World AIDS Day.

Please go here - READ MY JOURNAL - see what your support has done for those in Africa and remember that our work is not done.

Leigh Blake

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