
Welcome to Keep a Child Alive's official news feed from the front lines. Here you will find moving testimonials from our clinics, as well as empowering stories of triumph from people like you, working to raise money and awareness to combat the AIDS pandemic ravaging Africa.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Register for the KCA Student AIDS Summit!

Keep a Child Alive is thrilled to invite you to our 2nd annual KCA Student AIDS Summit 2008! The Summit will be a legendary meeting of 400 creative minds and compassionate hearts, welcoming student AIDS activists from around the nation who are actively and measurably committed to progressing an agenda of AIDS relief on their college campuses. The two-day Student AIDS Summit will take place at New York University from November 14-15, 2008, and participants will also attend the exclusive Keep a Child Alive Black Ball Gala hosted by Alicia Keys on the evening of November 13.

PLEASE REGISTER FOR THE SUMMIT HERE: http://summit.kcacollege.com

Registration will be confirmed on a first-come first-serve basis, and is open to all student AIDS activists.

Priority will be given to KCA College Leaders and Members registered on www.kcacollege.com. Those who are not registered on www.kcacollege.com will not be given priority in Summit participation.

Please contact Kim (kim@keepachildalive.org) if you have any questions about Summit Registration.

We look forward to seeing you in November. Thank you for your energy and commitment!

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